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Cybersecurity Training and Awareness

Human error in cybersecurity breaches is an age-old problem, so all organizations must remain vigilant and educate their employees to mitigate these errors. 

It is easy to imagine that network breaches are the work of cutting-edge hacker groups. In reality, a huge proportion of breaches are initiated using low-tech attack strategies such as phishing and social engineering. By having an end user reveal their login credentials or open a malicious attachment, attackers can penetrate networks that would otherwise be very difficult to breach. 


43% of C-Suite leaders who reported a data breach cited human error as the second major cause…” 

Companies must therefore continuously invest in cybersecurity awareness trainings to all their employees since people are the biggest threat to a network’s security. 

Training programs can arm end users with the skills needed to mitigate common cyber threats.  

Technical controls are never 100% effective.

In an ideal world, security programs protect end users from all cyber threats and allow them to act carefree without putting the organization at risk. Unfortunately, we don’t live in an ideal world.
This is not to say that security technologies are not essential. Of course they are, they just aren’t 100% effective.
No matter how much you spend on security, some malicious emails, files, websites and even phone calls will always happen. When this happens, the fate of the organization is in the hands of the end user.

It's a war, not a battle

Training is not something you invest in to solve the problem all at once. Yes, you will likely see good results early in your program, but these improvements will quickly fade if you don’t continue to work with relevant training content and simulation initiatives on a periodic basis. 

If you want to minimize cyber risk more effectively, staff training is something you’ll need to take seriously over the years. If this is done consistently and the program is continually improved by tracking results and user feedback , the training is sure to have a significant impact on the organization’s level of cyber risk. 

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