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Cybersecurity is built on security controls. These controls can be organizational, procedural and regulatory (compliance), as well as technical. Faced with a new service, be it a website or an essential service that supports a critical infrastructure, the technological risk must be evaluated and managed, selecting which controls should be applied. 

An essential point in risk assessment is compliance: the identification of laws, regulations and standards that must be respected and complied with throughout all phases of the service life cycle, which includes design, construction, deployment, maintenance, operation and withdrawal. 

Why is it important to have a compliance program?

Cybersecurity has become a topic of high importance in every industry. Its boom is due to the rapid adoption of information technologies by companies to increase their competitiveness in the market. This process has accelerated dramatically as a result of the strict social distancing measures imposed by the pandemic, so digital migration must be done with caution, responsibly addressing the responsibilities and risks involved.
The implementation of a cybersecurity compliance program is the most advisable step for a company to correctly manage its digital security. It enables you to take optimal measures, depending on your industry and size, to minimize the risk of a cyberattack. This offers your customers greater assurance that their information is protected. In addition, a clear and complete protocol allows you to reduce the legal risk involved in handling sensitive information.

What laws and directives apply to cybersecurity?

Numerous legislations have been passed in recent years on both a national and an international level. Companies must adhere to one or numerous regulations depending on the industry to which they belong, the country in which they operate, or the legal framework under which they carry out their functions. 

What are the elements that a cybersecurity compliance program should have?

A compliance program is comprised of multiple important elements, such as standards of conduct and good practices, institutional procedures to prevent and handle an attack, staff training, contractual strategies to limit liability, choosing an appropriate insurance policy, and mitigating measures, commercial, reputational and legal risks, among many others. In summary, a robust cybersecurity protocol is a tool that will allow the company to project solidity and trust, reduce risks and compete more effectively in its industry.

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